Secure Scrapoxy

Secure Scrapoxy with Basic auth

Scrapoxy supports standard HTTP Basic auth (RFC2617).

Step 1: Add username and password in configuration

Open conf.json and add auth section in proxy section (see Configure Scrapoxy):

   "proxy": {
      "auth": {
         "username": "myuser",
         "password": "mypassword"

Step 2: Add username and password to the scraper

Configure your scraper to use username and password:

The URL is: http://myuser:mypassword@localhost:8888

(replace myuser and mypassword with your credentials).

Step 3: Test credentials

Open a new terminal and test Scrapoxy without credentials:

scrapoxy test http://localhost:8888

It doesn’t work.

Now, test Scrapoxy with your credentials:

scrapoxy test http://myuser:mypassword@localhost:8888

(replace myuser and mypassword with your credentials).

Secure Scrapoxy with a firewall on Ubuntu

UFW simplifies IPTables on Ubuntu (>14.04).

Step 1: Allow SSH

sudo ufw allow ssh

Step 2: Allow Scrapoxy

sudo ufw allow 8888/tcp
sudo ufw allow 8889/tcp

Step 3: Enable UFW

sudo ufw enable

Enter y.

Step 4: Check UFW status and rules

sudo ufw status